We have one month left of the 2024 Colorado legislative session! It commenced on January 10th and plans to adjourn on May 8th. Over the next month, state lawmakers under the golden dome will continue to debate legislation that will impact the lives of Coloradans across the state.
The Colorado Catholic Conference (CCC), as the united voice of the bishops of Colorado in public policy, is an active presence at the state capitol, bringing the Church’s voice into the public dialogue on issues that are informed by Catholic Social Teaching. The legislative process is a foundational aspect of our democratic system, and it is the moral obligation of every Catholic to help shape the moral foundation of our society through the political process.
You can read the entire list of CCC priority legislation at:
www.cocatholic.org/legislative-work including bill status and CCC analysis.
For any questions, please contact Brittany Vessely at brittany.vessely@cocatholicconference.org
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