The Holy Mass
Lord, I deserve Thee not, I sigh,
Here kneeling on the floor;
Oh, I deserve Thee not, my Lord,
And yet I need Thee sore;
And that is well, for here Thou come
A-knocking at my door.
Thou come to give Thy Life to me
That I Thy life might live;
Thou come to give it freely, Lord,
That I might freely give;
And, Lord, Thou come to heal my sin
That I, too, might forgive.
Oh, I deserve it not, my Lord,
Thy grace and mercy free;
And I full might have run in shame,
Yes, dearest Lord, from Thee,
Did I not know Thou come because
Thou wants to be with me.
By Kathleen Major, Parishioner, St. Mary, Walsenburg
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